Monday, April 25, 2011

Things I can't help but enjoy:

The bathroom faucet in our room at the Good Medicine Lodge, Whitefish. It’s a spillover design. Essentially, it’s designed such that the top front quarter of the spout is cut away, making you think you’ve activated an aqueduct every time you run water.

The espresso machine. It operates very much like a Keurig coffee dispenser, except that the pods are smaller (as, of course, are the cups.) We made decaffeinated “Intenso” after dinner tonight, and it had that frothy stuff on top, like Americanos from Caffe Nero in London. I will not buy such a machine. I would use it too much.

Using (successfully) the Jedi Mind Trick on speed cops in Columbia Falls, MT. You don’t want to give us a ticket. You just pulled us over to wish us a beautiful day.

Queen size beds. We fit. I don’t have elbows in my face. Thank goodness I’m getting one soon.

The word “kla-how-yah.” It was chiseled into the concrete at the back entrance to the (closed for the season) Lake MacDonald Lodge in Glacier National Park. It’s a greeting comparable to “hello” in the pidgin language of Chinook Jargon.



Rachel Clement said...

i likey.

Fred in the Green said...

Jedi mind-trick nothin'. It's the glamour.