Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Is Emily crazy? Stay tuned...

This could be it, Ladies and Gentlemen. The trip to determine whether we are henceforth constrained to car travel. Since the starboard wheel of my old roll-aboard cracked like a ripe walnut on the outbound leg of our southwest trip in October, I researched a bit, and purchased an Eagle Creek replacement. I am sorry to report that it devotes a wee too much real estate to a slide-in spot for a laptop, sacrificing (it seems) a bit of clothing square footage. If I try again, I will surely want to examine the suitcase options in person (as much as I love Amazon,) but for now Eagle Creek will have to do, stuffed to the zippers though it is. (I even used

pack-it system thingies, dang-it--those zipped mesh pouches meant to magically make all your stuff fit. I’m deeply disappointed.)

In addition to two zaftig roll-aboards, we will be toting a hefty backpack full of travel docs, books, my little Mac, and overflow. This brings us to the logistical dilemma which will be either resolved or muddled through tomorrow, in the trenches. Can Jeff still pull a roll-aboard without giving every passer-by a flat tire? Or should I pull both, and saddle Jeff with the backpack? Which hand will I use to guide Jeff lest there are other women with similar hair about? A foot? A leash? And can we get up the train’s little narrow stairway?

Weird trip it will be. Why are we going to Whitefish, Montana anyway? What is in Whitefish in April? (answer: possibly nothing.) So, I am bearing a bit of an onus. It is the onus called--”I picked this trip because we couldn’t find anything else, but Mom’s accustomed to real trips, so all the weirdness of this quirky adventure will rest squarely on my unremarkable shoulders.” That is a long name for an onus. But, I hope, we will not have long distances over which we must tote our collection of baggage.

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