Monday, November 02, 2009

such a gifted avoider

I’m thinking I can’t take Japanese and get writing done concurrently. Hence I think I will have to decide to give myself a chance to get the writing done after this semester. Why? Isn’t it silly? Probably, but the condition of silliness does not exempt it.

Or maybe it’s the flagging and revival of my enthusiasm and its shifting emphases. Sure I like Japanese. I like languages in general, but the story wishes to get writ, and I know I throw myself obsessively into language acquisition the same way that (at other times) I heave into a crossword puzzle. It’s escapism. Not writing saves me from writing crappy. But crappy will do. And no...I do not want a 5 night stay at the Marriott Singer Island resort for the special price of...whatever the special price was. Don’t call back. Thanks.

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