Thursday, September 10, 2009

the same boring stuff, remixed?

The text portions of 3 spanking new book covers are printed and ready to roll. But next is the dicey part: Adding ink and watercolor illustrations in the white space. I sat in the Alz. support group meeting last night sketching practice faces of my people, and it may not--if all goes well--be an unmitigated disaster.

Jeff, btw, was bored. At the meeting. He says not much happened in his group, and that he tried to chat up a couple of guys without much luck. It is entirely possible that this means that those couple of guys were still able to attend to the broader conversation, and were attempting to do so, whereas Jeff likely took minimal notice of any multi-way discussion that may have been occurring. Whether we keep seeking this type of support...I don’t know. Jeff has to like it. Personally, I’m not an extraordinarily support-groupish type of person, and I find myself losing patience with the people who do like to length.. Myers-Briggs be danged--counselor material I’m not.

Gabe is set to take ACTs next week. At which point--provided I can prevail upon him to put more than half an iota of creative thought into his application essay--he’s got everything lined up to apply to any and all of several schools by year’s end. I cannot describe the apprehension I feel relative to his readiness for anything post-secondary. I am hoping, in big-fat doses of hopefulness, that we at least pretty much like Mitchell College’s pre-freshman year concept.

According to the Farmers' Almanac, we’re in for a colder than average winter. And you know what? Remarkably, I’m okay with that. Really, for the first time since the onset of motherhood, I think I may be returning to my cold-tolerant youth. Or maybe it’s just the fringe benefit of realizing that the ants and bees who’ve decided we’ve built a pretty cool clubhouse for them here are about to get their little thoraxes frozen off. I am prepared. I have a coat. I can deal.


Rachel Clement said...

i find myself getting annoyed at the people who do like to talk"


also, i'm going to learn to like cold. as well.

Pamsc said...

Found your blog from and am enjoying the connection. I've got two kids--the one who has trouble taking responsibility for himself is a freshman in college and the other a junior in high school. My son is now a student at St. John's Annapolis and it isn't clear yet whether it is going to work for him or not. Scary times, and I miss the partnership I used to have with my husband in parenting.