Thursday, September 03, 2009

Posey Rosie goes splat.

Sometimes, when I’ve spent most of the day trying to ascertain where--in the minutiae of web site creation / file uploading / manuscript formatting--I’m botching it, I end up with sore shoulders.

For some weird reason, for example, my uploaded copies kept having the letters "ele" in the header. I didn't want the letters "ele." I had to assume, having recently watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog, that the Evil League of Evil was trying to give my story its stamp of approval, but I wasn't really wanting it.

Still, I got it. Yes, you can format stinkin’ MS Word so your file’s the same dimensions as a 6 x 9 trade paperback. And it probably wouldn’t even take you all day to figure out a) what you need to do, and b) how to do it.

The good thing about this tedium is it makes me anticipate with a bit of pleasure that the next job is art. Even if I’m crappy, MS Word has nothing to do with it. And neither do FTP servers.

The only trouble is, my posable wooden artist’s model person likes to fall down unless I carefully place her in a very balanced position. Not to mention that, for all her joints, she’s worse at yoga than even I am. Her legs only spread to about 30° , which is quite hopeless for someone whose job is positions. Perhaps, given her poor balance and lack of flexibility, she should have gotten a job in customer service with Verizon. Yes, we’re mad at them.

Japanese class is cool. What a bunch of geeks. I like it.

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