Friday, January 14, 2011

Ruts are places too.

Did you ever wiggle your fingers just before beginning to type? I never did until yesterday, when I sat down to work on my first official blog post for the Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation.

It was more reflexive than anything, and I felt very silly as soon as I did it. I also assumed that such a stereotypical gesture would guarantee me a case of writer’s block. Well, maybe not block. But at least a 3-day stint in the Inescapable Rut of Trite Phraseology.

And it did. I’m stuck there at least through tomorrow. Still, I think I managed to scrape enough mud off the sides of the IRTP (you know...the rut,) to smudge it up just enough that it wasn’t an entirely hopeless freshman entry.

Meanwhile, I’ll toss thoughts for the next contribution into the slow-cooker and refrain from adding any seasoning until the IRTP is a sad but distant memory.


European Prof said...

Your new blog sounds like a wonderful opportunity for you to be a blessing to many people.

Will the content of that blog be copies of what you write on this blog? If not, will you provide links from this blog to posts on the other blog?

I find your analysis of your situation to be most interesting and I think that you are a courageous person. It may feel to you that you have no choice but be courageous, but we all have choices and you continue to make good choices that are courageous.

Emily said...

I am certain I will cover some of the same ground I've covered here, but my intention is to be a little more on-point there. Here I feel a little freer to write of other things, or take off on tangents.
Here's a link to my first post:

And thank you, as always, for your encouragement!