Sunday, January 10, 2010

Even microbiological cultures have to try

(note: this is the last in a series of posts I made from my iPhone while on a trip to Colorado with Jeff. I posted in bits, hence, the sequence is backwards! Annoying, I know. To make sense of them, scroll down--next page maybe--and start with the one labeled "Start here...")

We're probably roughly over Indiana. It's dusk. The world below
remains lightly dusted with snow, cut every which-way with dark
streaks, like the veins in blue cheese. In patches, human civilization
spreads out--random cultures in a global petri dish, with a
luminescent trait. I can't tell you whether they're gram positive or
It's a little hard to fathom--watching these clusters glow, spread,
and interlace their tentacles--a pov which insists that the prevalence
of humans does NOT affect the Earth's climate. But to acknowledge that it does need not equal an indictment. Life, of any sort, tries to prevail. Don't know how we'll do longer-term. I hope we figure out and implement a good trick or two without the cross-purposes of our conflicting motives reducing it all to static. Maybe.

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