Sunday, June 08, 2008

we accomplish some stuff

Tonight Tyler bribed Gabe into learning how to shave by promising to play Super Smash Brothers afterwards. I listened from the stairway as Gabe was coached through the steps...women’s shave foam because (said Tyler) it’s softer and smells better, and (and here’s something I didn’t know as I have yet to shave a face) never go sideways--always go up or down. So, I am grateful to have that rite of passage broached by someone more in the know than I. So one more thing is added to the arsenal of hygiene functions which--while he may not employ them to best advantage now--Gabe will at least have the wherewithal to accomplish.

Here’s what I’m exceptionally bad at: Dance Dance Revolution, aka DDR. Like most forms of digital entertainment, it requires much more mind/body coordination than comes easily for me, so it takes quite a bit of determined rewiring to bumble my way through anything involving a screen and associated physical responses. Come to think of it, I have the same problem with my fiddle. Committing anything which requires even moderate dexterity to memory--and muscle memory--is an arduous process. But doing so anyway seems better than accepting slothlike reflexes as the unbreachable status quo. The thing is, I just made up the word “unbreachable” apparently, but it seems to fit.

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