Saturday, July 24, 2010

We hit the jammed and melting road...

With the heat index spiking, I set off with Jeff to accomplish what should be a four hour drive in roughly 6.5 hours. The Soobie's air-conditioning system took a noble stab at keeping us from experiencing (Raiders of the Lost) Ark of the Covenant face-melting special effects, and we got to Norfolk, Virginia in time to join my mom for an excellent Indian Restaurant dinner. Let me take a moment to thank the iPhone app: Yelp, and all the contributors for pointing me--once again--in the right direction, dining-wise.

Most of the rest of the crew will join us in Nags Head--the beach!--tomorrow, after a lengthier one-day drive. By then we will have obtained some of the basic gustatory necessities, and a house full of young-adults will not need to stage a full scale hunger-unfueled uprising.

In such heat (106°F on the heat-radiating macadam of the Holiday Inn parking lot, according to my Mom's car thermometer,) my head is given to a bit of lightness, and Jeff's visuo-spatial challenges take a leap from impediment to road block. Cutting up of his mango-ginger chicken prior to handing him the proper utensil was of absolute necessity tonight. He is to bed early, as I will also be soon. And tomorrow we'll join Mom for a breakfast of impressively weak coffee and a toasted bagel or so downstairs.

Can we get from Norfolk to the farmer's market to good old Old Oregon Inlet Road in South Nags Head without a leash? Stay tuned...

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