Thursday, May 27, 2010

I mean gaps

Today, Carlos the Do-Everything guy is out back bulldozing sticks, stumps, and bamboo roots out of the way in preparation for the fence people to re-enclose us with the 15 extra feet of backyard which was formerly under the scruffy shadow of a row of no longer extant Leyland Cypresses. One of which, in fact, had a dispute with the existing fence, during the January snow inundation, over whether horizontal is an appropriate attitude for an evergreen. I ruled in favor of the fence, which I patched, and against the cypress, which was carted off, along with its few remaining scraggly cohorts.

Here is what's curious about the approaching Fall: I thought, for at least a little while there, that I was going to find out what empty nest felt like. Here's what's not apt to happen: Empty nest. I suppose I should have named all my children Skippy, because it looks like we're segueing from the college years to the boomerang years right about now. With a healthy smudge as Gabe's collegiate tour of duty begins in August and stretches toward a horizon 5+ years distant.

I am not complaining. Boomerangability is a quality of this house that the smaller, lower maintenance dwelling of which I daydream would be hard-pressed to fill. Hence, the next time I ask myself just why do I live here again? I'll need only to glance at the pile of slides, flipflops, running shoes, sandals, and cowboy boots in the front hall, to reply Oh yes, that's why.

Plus, Jeff has been missing chairs a bit lately. By that I mean aiming poorly. So I won't object to an extra pair of hands or two to help get him back on track as he closes himself on the wrong side of the door, looks for orange juice in the freezer, or topples over the dog. And yes, I do still fully intend to take him on a train trip in October. But don't worry. We will mind the gap.

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