Thursday, April 15, 2010


Why do non-Macintosh computers...such as my Toshiba netbook...such as the Gateway desktop Gabe is glued to...have an interesting and distinctive smell while warm and in operation that I've never detected from a Mac? I don't know. In a tiny way, it reminds me of the way my brother's electric racetrack set used to smell when you'd get the little vehicles fired up and zooming. Just before they fell off on the banked curve, that is.


Larry said...

The racetrack smell was ozone from the little electric sparks where the car made contact with the electrified track. Why your PC's are producing ozone is another matter altogether. Have you noticed any small sparks?!

Emily said...

No pc sparks! The smell is reminiscent, but not the same. Now that you mention it though, I HAVE smelled ozone, and--yes--it is like the racetrack smell. I've run a small ozone generator in the basement which is probably a completely bogus way to try to kill mold, but yes...the smell. There it is.