Sunday, July 18, 2010


It is the week before the week we go to Nags Head. The week in which I scribble lists on a handy legal pad, reminding me that I can't plan anything without lists on a legal pad. This is good.

This week I can take a step back from my story, and throttle down a bit from my usual mind-shredding pace of 5 words a day, and focus instead on a perfectly good reason to accomplish nothing.

Finally, enough responsibities--a cat scheduled for dental work, social obligations with parents and friends, children arriving from hither and requiring some assistance to go yon--are coalescing in sufficient density to leave me feeling, at the end of the week, as if I've earned a vacation. Meanwhile, the ants are stepping up their game, and finding new ways to tunnel through the foundation such that targeted strikes are almost pointless, and they remind me--once again--that I will lose the evolutionary battle, and they will win.

But off I go to try anyway. More news from the front. Or the beach.

1 comment:

Martin said...

Our ant problem cleared up a couple of months ago after we used the killer spray, though I think it was more a function of the weather. We still get a few in the garage, mostly because we store catfood and poorly rinsed cans and bottles (prior to refunding) there. None spotted in the kitchen though.