Tonight I will be trying out #4 in a series of pillows purchased with the hope that I won't wake up with tense neck muscles and a headache. The ergonomic "memory foam" ones seem snazzy enough when I test them out but, over the course of a night, are simply not squishy enough. Today I bought a "Gosa Hassel," which, as far as I can figure, means "Thanks chump" in Swedish, and we'll see how that goes. I would blame these sleep/muscle/tension problems on stress-in-general, but since I can do little to nothing about that, it's convenient to scapegoat the pillows.
The ostensible purpose of the trip was round #1 of collecting college needs for Gabe. He easily zeroed in on the proper towels--orange. (Orange is, you see, the most awesome of colors.) And selected two handle-free mugs--one white, one black. His desk lamp has a conical shade, giving it the appearance of a small robotic coolie, and I tossed in a few things of my own choosing--hangers, the most expendable of flatware, and a batch of laundry baskets which will be as close as Gabe gets to organization. Once we outfit him with some sneakers which are not separating upper to sole, and his Toshiba arrives, he'll be almost as ready as he needs to be.
Olivia came along. No surprise. It almost always pays to accompany me on a shopping expedition where the credit card is destined to come out anyway, and she located, in short order, a portable storage unit which would save her stealing her sister's. The sister who, according to unconfirmed reports, has accepted a teaching assignment in Washington, D.C.
D.C. is not ridiculously far from here. Neither is it a rational commuting range (though many do endure just such a commute for years on end.) More likely, when said sister returns from her cross-country odyssey to regions of dead cellular zones...(or at least dead as far as my phone is concerned. She apparently communicates with the other sister who, thus far, has not been implicated in this entry)...ahem, when she returns, it is entirely possible that another trip to IKEA will be in order. Or perhaps preferably, we can cobble together a roomful of supplies from what remains in the basement. I have extra pillows.
Gabe appears to have trouble standing still.
Except for when you can't wake him up. But STANDING still...yes, not his best trick.
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