Monday, January 19, 2009


Gabe is out racking up miles with the driving instructor. It’s #2 out of 3 sessions. Must get the driver’s license even if he doesn’t particularly need to use it much. For practical and i.d. reasons. And now I have another. One must have a valid DL in order to obtain a Merchant Mariner Document from the Coast Guard. One must have the MMD to enter the entry level Merchant Mariner program at the Paul Hall School in Piney Point Maryland. And one must have a back up plan should college not work out. And that’s what Piney Point would be.

Deck Department, Engine Department, Steward Department? Yes Gabe...the possibilities abound, and you’re stuck on a boat where they must make some use of you. This is not to say that college is out. By no means. We will visit, we will pick, we will entreat...but ultimately the rest is up to the kid, and--while I hope he’ll grab the magic feather and fly--it helps my inner tranquility to have a Plan B. Or a Plan 9 from Outer Space if need be.


Rachel Clement said...

AHHHHHHHHHH we have to talk about this. i would say that's more of a plan 9 from outer space than a plan b, not to bust your inner tranquility. my friend jake went there, and i can tell you some stories...

however. there are certainly other plan Bs in existence. how about, culinary school? orrrr ship him off to japan to teach english, since there isn't much requirement to be a foreign english teacher, so i've read. orrrr.... lots of kids don't go to college! he could just do wwoof, since he's shown an interest in farming, and become a farmworker. he might like that better than college, if he doesn't fancy a BA. or send him to military school.

Rachel Clement said...

also, he could do outward bound for part of a year. or NOLS.

Emily said...

A super-long outward bound.