Becca and Tyler A. are making Christmas cookies. Hazel is casting a dubious glance at Fredfred who might--you never know--decide to usurp her position at the watering bowl. Jeff has, as is typical, retired early. I, as usual, just ran upstairs to dole out his pills before he crashed.
Gabe insists that zombies exist. “What would YOU do,” he asks Tyler, “in a zombie attack?”
“Probably go into the woods and make a sweet fort,” Tyler replies.
The general murmur, in the kitchen, is that zombies cannot possibly climb trees, but Gabe’s authoritative book, The Zombie Survival Guide, asserts that 1 in 10 zombies can climb a ladder.
I expect that many of the cookies will adhere to a holiday or random theme, and few if any will resemble zombies, but an outlier won’t surprise me. That one could be interesting to decorate with holiday goop.
Rachel is youtubing genuine and spoof high-fructose corn syrup commercials.
Becca asks Gabe if he has a special request for a cookie shape. “Do one in the shape of a zombie,” he replies. I confess though: that was not a risky prediction for me to make.
Olivia comes in from a long day out. She is dressed like a nerd, having ransacked, from her boyfriend’s belongings, a stocking cap, a pair of geeky glasses with no lenses, and a playboy bunny necktie. She is getting ready to go out again.
Chessie is howling because Rachel scooped her up. She is too pudgy a cat to get up onto the kitchen island. Hence, the holiday goop--butter based--is inaccessible to her.
For now, I will pause as I’m inclined to decorate a zombie cookie. But Gabe got to it first, and I’ll have to settle for a star.
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