Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday, and a nice one at that.

It will be a record for me to get to the Renaissance Faire thrice in one Fall, but it could well happen this year. Tonight just Jeff and I went, because it was a lovely, cool afternoon, and I wanted to eat fish and chips, drink a beer, and listen to music. Thus, we did. It is so much more relaxing to go anyplace with either just-Jeff, or anyone else and not-Jeff. Perhaps I actually should get myself one of those silly, most-decidedly-NOT-Renaissancy horse tails, and insist he hold onto it at all times, except in the port-a-john.

I am one baby-step closer to completion of the neglected details in the girls’ bathroom. Remarkably, the raw and uneven edge of drywall, which has been befuddling me since I first realized I couldn’t leave the bathroom as-is forever, sanded into a fairly neat and smooth place to spackle. Baby-step two will involve the application of enough Great Stuff™ Spray Foam to fill in an ugly gap between between the drywall and the segment of massive roof beam which runs along the diagonal roofline just above Becca’s sink, and step three--the actual spackling. Then we’ve got a toe-kick to face, several shelves to cut and install, and...then the real fun: chiseling up the hex tiles where I need to level the floor so that errant shower or tub water will no longer threaten to undo the kitchen ceiling. All that will be left is to wish that handy-person tasks could give one the clever-member-of-society cachet that writing an actually-interesting book would deliver.

A thought from Gabe: He thinks it would be the coolest thing to be an expert pickpocket who could breeze through a crowd slipping playing cards into strangers’ pockets on which he’d written “is this your card?” A thought from me: Why would you discuss irregularity and yogurt with Jamie Lee Curtis? Well, why not I guess.

And thought for the day: Watching CNN’s forum with 5 former Secretaries of State. Couldn’t we just appoint Madeleine Albright or Colin Powell for prez?

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