I really hate losing my mind. I wouldn’t do it if it seemed like I had a choice, but I probably don’t. I almost forgot to give the dog her evening snack for two days in a row, but each time caught a glimpse of her making her pathetic face and remembered, finally. Luckily, someone here has a brain.
Oh, the other thing is I’m getting Parkinson’s.* I might as well, my dad died of it and I’m all gangly like him, but weirder. Usually my clumsiness is worse in the morning when I’ve gone back to the coffeepot a few too many times. Caffeine jitters you say? Ok, maybe. That and the fact that my wiring and physical coordination have never exactly been state of the art could explain a few things, but I might as well have dementia and Parkinson’s because it seems neurological disorders are pretty much destiny around here.
Oh, and one more thing: Why are some people J.K. Rowling, and other people are not?
Something I am forced to wonder about is whether if you released J.K. Rowling into the Anne Arundel Medical Center complex of hospital and clinical buildings, would she be able to find her way from Parking Garage B to the office of the Greater Annapolis Medical Group? I actually did succeed in doing that today: It was down one ramp, through a door, past a barrier that indicated “don’t go this way,” down a stairway, across an outdoor place where people in cute scrubs go to smoke, in another doorway, down a hall, up a staircase, and around the corner. While it is possible that I have the worst sense of direction ever, I did that in both forward and reverse this afternoon, by paying careful attention. And giving Jeff verbal directionals. (“now we turn right,” “U-turn,” “up a curb!”)
I’m probably just mad because I’ve reached the final two stages (#s 21 and 22,) of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and I’ve realized—I don’t want to hit anything else with a sword, I stink at games like this in general, and I especially stink at this part. I’m inclined to force Gabe to complete the thing while I watch, just to achieve a sense of closure.
I will turn 50 at the end of this year. When I’m done being 50 I’m either going to laugh at myself or laugh at myself. I just hope I do it in a nice way, and laugh with me, not at me.
*not really, as far as I know. coffee, in fact, is thought to help.