Dick and Jane have grown up.
After a while they realized that--while it was good for Spot to run, (run Spot, run!)--it was beginning to seem unneighborly to let him do his business in everyone's else's yard. So Mother got Spot a nifty retractable leash for walks, and he spent the rest of his outdoor time romping in a nice fenced backyard.
Eventually, Dick decided he'd rather go by Rick, and he and his partner Ed bought a house in Vermont. Rick is a landscape designer. Ed runs a bed & breakfast out of their extra house space, and tends their dog, Spot IV.
Jane is really busy. (Go Jane, go!) Even though her husband, Buster, was a bit of a bad move (See Buster leave...leave Buster, leave...,) Jane is doing well with their children (Dot, Horace, and Mikey,) and she's just sold a screenplay about a computer virus that interbreeds with swine flu causing all victims to look like Mister Softee.
As for Sally...after a stint in Amsterdam, where she learned, with time, that she enjoys meaningful work more than she likes existentialism, Sally came home and hit it off with Dick/Rick's best employee, Hector Hernandez-Ramirez. They forgot to get married yet, although they are thinking about it. They also like to invite the whole family over for home-made tortilla burritos. It's Grandma Ramirez's secret recipe. (Cook, Abuela cook!) The whole family is delighted by the newest addition--Pilar Sara Puff Smith-Hernandez-Ramirez. "Look!" says Father. "Look at baby Pilar's brown eyes!" "Look!" says Mother. "Look at baby Pilar's brown skin!" They can't help themselves. They are so excited they keep showing her to all the neighbors.
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