My right thumb is bundled up in a band-aid like a little peasant char-woman in winter. Constant wrappage seems the only way to convince the tiny crack--born of cold, dry air--that it is, in fact, appropriate to heal. It may be healing. But it resembles the fissure it was closely enough that I’m reluctant to unwrap it yet. 2 more days maybe.
Here is my goal and job for now. Preparing. One of the necessities being to create as manageable, unconfusing, and clutter free house as possible under the circumstances. I’m happy to get rid of stuff. Contact me if you want stuff. Personally, I don’t want stuff.
We’ve had an ongoing discussion about the lyrics to A Whole New World, from Aladdin. I was sure--really really sure--that Aladdin says “shining shimmering splendor.” It only makes sense, after all, to follow up two adjectives with a noun if you want a well-rounded phrase. But Olivia--who should know, as it is on her iPod--insisted that he says “shining, shimmering, splendid.” I had to look it up. It is “splendid.” As Gabe pointed out based on a lyrical analysis--”If it said ‘splendor’ instead of ‘splendid’ then you’d have to change the next line--’Tell me princess, now when did you last let your heart decide’ to ‘tell me princess now when/or did you let your heart decide.’ Makes no sense Mom, now does it?” The kid is correct. When you’re wrong, you’re wrong.
I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?
Three adjectives describing the world (which is also new, and whole).
Dang! How could I have been so blind!
Why, Marmil, were you not there for our morning commute? You could have cleared that up right away.
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