Friday, December 31, 2004


I’ve offered to take a daughter to see Phantom of the Opera--the movie. You’d think I’d have had enough. Saw the stage version in October at the Hippodrome, and have now seen the movie twice. Once, because I personally had to, and Jeff, who went only because he didn’t want me to go alone, conceded to liking it. Twice, because...well...I personally had to, and dragging daughters #1 and #2 with me under the guise of cultural significance served as suitable cover. Daughter #3 is now feeling left out since she’d gone skiing with friends, and missed the outing. But I find myself quite willing to do it again.
I can only speculate that the fact that my first Phantom experience occurred at a time when I desperately needed the catharsis of a vicarious tragic romance is what has fused my psyche into some kind of perma-bond with the story and its accompanying Webber score. Sooner or later I expect the addiction to wear off. The “highlights” cd was laughably inadequate, so I’ve listened to the full soundtrack cd so many times it’s not worth counting. My family does think I’m a little wack, and I can conveniently dismiss my infatuation with Gerard Butler by noting that I’m too old for him. Gabe read the book in school last year, and has filled in details of the back story which both the play and screen version leapt over--but I can’t convince him, yet, that he needs to see the show.
I bet he’ll watch the dvd with me...that’ll be out before you know it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wahaha I <3 poto too!!!! And I AM poto!!! YAAAY that must be why i love it!!! love me