Sunday, April 10, 2005

carpool buzz

The most interesting characters I can think of are the ones I really know. I itch to spoof them. And it wouldn’t even be a spoof. The truth, possibly condensed but completely unvarnished, would be more entertaining, more poignant, and better than anything I could concoct.

But I fear that condensing the truth could be construed as not nice. So most people I’ll leave alone. But not my carpool.

Typical (30 minute) ride to Gabe’s school with a handful of 10 to 14 year olds:

Austin: Oh! I just saw Gore-bath City! It was the cooooooooolest movie ever! It was sooooooo inappropriate! Mrs. Clement! You’ve gotta let Gabe see Gore-bath City!

Me: I doubt it.

Gabe: (mumbling, his nose firmly planted in a fantasy novel) No thanks, I don’t like movies with slow-moving zombies.

Sandy: I hate Miss Snarfpooper!(Sandy has creatively altered the last 2 syllables of the teacher’s name.) She’s such a pooper! She gave me sooo much homework!

Riggs: (whose regulation khakis and polo shirt are completely obscured by a camouflage hat and camouflage jacket with military patches all over it)Hey Austin! Have you heard they’ve come out with G.I.Blastemup for PS2?

Austin: That came out 3 weeks ago! Everybody already knows that!

Robert: That game’s lame anyway. It doesn’t even let you snipe.

Austin: I know! Evilness of the Dead Dudes is SO MUCH better! Gabe, do you have Evilness of the Dead Dudes?

Gabe: I don’t like games with slow-moving zombies.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


The post that lived here was about opening the window and screaming.
But then you shut the window, and begin to sort of hope that not too many people heard that scream. But at the time, it just needed out.